Original Sega CD ROM/ISO cheats/hacks created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) Version 1.2 = Added hack for Samurai Shodown 4/5/2022 Version 1.3 = Added hacks for Battlecorps 11/20/2022 I've made several Sega CD editors that will automatically patch your Sega CD file. Check my website (in the "Editors/Programs/Downloads" section) to see all of the editors if you'd rather go that route. Lots of games that aren't listed here. You'll find a ton of these types of Sega CD hacks/patches here: https://gamehacking.org/vb/forum/video-game-hacking-and-development/retro-hacking/7598-sega-mega-cd-iso-hacks-editors And here: https://gamehacking.org/vb/forum/video-game-hacking-and-development/retro-hacking/4650-sega-mega-cd-hacks-patches Instructions: You'll have to hack the codes into your iso/bin/img file with a hex editor. I'm using Hex Workshop, but I'm sure any hex editor will work. Just open up your iso/bin/img file with a hex editor, click on "Find" and type in the numbers I have listed below. Make the changes listed, save, and you're ready to go. IMPORTANT: These patches will only work if you start a new game, or use an "in- game" save file. These will probably not work if you use an emulator save state. Where there is a raw code listed, it might work with MESS or Gens11 emulators without hacking (although I haven't tried it yet). Also note that these hacks may work on other regions besides the ones listed. If there is no region listed, it is likely for the USA version, although they may work with other regions. List of Sega CD Games... -Battlecorps (U) -Dungeon Explorer -Ecco the Dolphin -Flashback (U) -Lunar: Eternal Blue -Lunar: The Silver Star -RDF: Global Conflict (U) -Road Rash (U) -Samurai Shodown -Supreme Warrior (Sega CD 32x) -Tomcat Alley ============================================================================= Hacks: ============================================================================= -Battlecorps Using your favorite hex editor... If your Battlecorps ROM/ISO has a bunch of bin files, use Battlecorps (USA) (Track 01).bin Search for: FA546700 Change to: FA546002 = Enable level select. Start a new game and you should have the level select always enabled. Press Up or Down at the character select screen to choose your level (the little dot will move to show you which level you will start on). --------- Search for: 067900040000F9DE Change to: 067900000000F9DE = No main gun overheat (part 1). Search for: 067900040000F9E0 Change to: 067900000000F9E0 = No main gun overheat (part 2). You can adjust how fast or slow the gun overheats by adjusting the "4". ============================================================================= -Dungeon Explorer Open up your Dungeon Explorer ISO/bin/img file with your favorite hex editor. Walk thru walls, over water, etc. Note that it is possible to get stuck when entering some buildings (only happens when you enter at a certain angle). If this happens, you can press Start + A + B + C, and the game will do a soft reset and you can reload your previous save point. Also, enemies can't follow you into bushes, walls, etc. Search for 4 occurrences of 670207C45079000076 (one occurrence for each direction: Left, Right, Up, Down). In each of the 4 matches, change the 67 at the beginning to 60 670207C45079000076 Before 600207C45079000076 After -------- Get more gold from the piles of gold on the ground (not sure if it works on other gold things). Search for the only occurrence of 000FD480. To get about 10x more gold from gold piles, change the 000F at the beginning to 00FF: 000FD480 Before 00FFD480 After To get about 100x more gold from gold piles, change the 000F at the beginning to 0FFF: 000FD480 Before 0FFFD480 After -------- Get the maximum amount of gold ($999,999) when you pick up a pile of gold on the ground (this may also work with other times where you get gold). Search for the only occurrence of 6306243C000F. Replace the 6306 at the beginning with 4E71: 6306243C000F Before 4E71243C000F After -------- Start with 1500 Food whenever you leave a town (instead of 1000) Search for the only occurrence of 03E83B40. Change the 03E8 at the beginning to whatever value you want (in hex). Will use 1500 for this example: 03E83B40 Before 05DC3B40 After -------- Have infinite Food when you're out exploring (away from a town) Search for the only occurrence of 53416A06. Change the 5341 at the beginning to 6008: 53416A06 Before 60086A06 After ------- Infinite Life Search for the only occurrence of 936D77AE. Change the 936D at the beginning to 601A: 936D77AE Before 601A77AE After ============================================================================= -Ecco the Dolphin Enable Debug menu (Pause the game and press Right). Ecco normally has to be facing the camera to access the debug menu, but this hack allows Ecco to be facing any direction, and shortens the button sequence to a single button. Menu has level select, infinite health, infinite air, etc... Part 1: With your hex editor, search for the only occurrence of 65F00C050008. Change the 0008 to 0001 (should look like this when you're done: 65F00C050001). Part 2: With your hex editor, search for the only occurrence of 08000000670A. Change the 670A to 4E71 (should look like this when you're done: 080000004E71). Swim thru walls, rocks, etc... With your hex editor, search for the only occurrence of 6E0001E2. Change the 6E00 to 6000 (should look like this when you're done 600001E2). Invincibility (can swim right thru enemies) & can swim thru walls/rocks . Turns off collision detection. Doesn't work against spikes. Can still die if you run out of air... Part 1: With your hex editor, search for the only occurrence of B0836C00. Change the 6C00 to 6000 (should look like this when you're done B0836000). Part 2: With your hex editor, search for the only occurrence of B0836C72. Change the 6C72 to 6072 (should look like this when you're done B0836072). ============================================================================= -Flashback (U) Walk on air. Can walk across any opening without falling. Release the directional pad to drop down... With your hex editor, search for the 10th occurrence of 660470FF. Change the 70FF to 4E75. Walk thru walls, trees, etc... With your hex editor, search for the 6th occurrence of 4A00660470FF4E757000. Change the 7000 to 4E75. Part 2: With your hex editor, search for the 7th occurrence of 4A40660470FF. Change the 70FF to 4E75. ============================================================================= -Lunar: Eternal Blue IMPORTANT: When hacking Hiro's or Ruby's starting HP, MP, weapons, armor, items, magic, etc, you must start a NEW game. It won't work on saved games. The other hacks will work on new or saved games. To hack Hiro's starting HP and MP... With your hex editor, search for the first occurrence of 00140014000F000F05. The first 0014 is for Hiro's current HP, and the second 0014 is for Hiro's max HP. Change them to whatever value you want (in hex). The first 000F is for Hiro's current MP, and the second 000F is for Hiro's max MP. Change them to whatever value you want (in hex). Not sure if the game has a limit on how high your HP and MP can go, so be careful. Must start a new game for this hack to work. To hack Hiro's starting weapon and armor... With your hex editor, search for the first occurrence of 3900710000. The 39 is Hiro's normal starting weapon (Dagger), and the 71 is hiro's normal starting armor (Peasant Clothes). Change those numbers to whatever weapon and armor you want to start with using the list of weapons, armor, etc and matching hex numbers from here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/segacd/587964-lunar-eternal-blue/faqs/36608 Must start a new game for this hack to work. To hack Hiro's starting items... With your hex editor, search for the first occurrence of 181818181A. Right after this string, you'll see 6 bytes of 00 (12 zeros total). These are for the 6 empty item slots in Hiro's starting inventory. You can change any of those 6 bytes of zeros to start with any items you want. Just use the hex numbers from this list: http://www.gamefaqs.com/segacd/587964-lunar-eternal-blue/faqs/36608 Must start a new game for this hack to work. One more thing of Hiro's you can hack is his starting magic and sword skills, although I haven't tested this yet... With your hex editor, search for the first occurrence of 010000000D. The 01 is the Boomerang magic that he normally starts with, and the 0D at the end is the Poe Sword skill that he normally starts with. I'm pretty sure you can change the 3 bytes of zeros inbetween them to whatever magic you want, and change the 3 bytes of zeros after the 0D to whatever sword skills you want. Use hex numbers from here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/segacd/587964-lunar-eternal-blue/faqs/36608 I'm not too familiar with the game, so not too sure what the difference is between magic and skills. Must start a new game for this hack to work. To hack Ruby's starting items... With your hex editor, search for the first occurrence of 181818181A1A. These are the 6 items that Ruby normally starts with. Right after this string you'll find a whole bunch of zeros. You can change those zeros to have Ruby start with an extra 66 items! That's 66 of any items, weapons, or armor that you want. Just pick which items you want from this list, and hack in the hex numbers it gives you: http://www.gamefaqs.com/segacd/587964-lunar-eternal-blue/faqs/36608 You'll find a "0016" at the end of all those zeros. Make sure that you don't change that "0016" at the end. In other words, don't try to hack more than 66 new items. Must start a new game for this hack to work. To hack what's for sale at the shop in Larpa... With your hex editor, search for the first occurrence of: 393E7172B41820. These are the normal items that are for sale in the shop. Just change those numbers to whatever items, weapons, or armor you want using the matching hex numbers from this list: http://www.gamefaqs.com/segacd/587964-lunar-eternal-blue/faqs/36608 This hack will work on new or saved games. To hack how much magic experience a spell class needs to level up... With your hex editor, search for the only occurrence of: 000F001A003D0085. This is the start of the magic experience needed for each "level up". There are 29 levels. Each level uses 2 bytes. The last level has a hex value of 9883. If you wanted to go all the way to the last level, just change all those bytes to zeros, except the 9883. Now the next time you get any magic experience, you should level all the way up. Will work on a new or saved game. Keep in mind that I haven't tested this yet, so use it at your own risk. ============================================================================= -Lunar: The Silver Star To enable the "Hold B to walk thru walls and have no random battles" cheat... Open your bin/ISO/img file with your hex editor and search for the only occurrence of: 56F8CD3C. Change the 56F8 to 57F8. If you want to have the cheat above so that you don't have to hold down the B button to activate it (you will always be able to walk thru walls, and you will never have any random battles), add this to the hack/patch above (will need to use both). Open your bin/ISO/img file with your hex editor and search for the only occurrence of: 64102F00303C. Change the 6410 to 4E71. To enable the Debug menu (just press Start)... Very useful. Change your party's stats, warp anywhere, add or remove characters, etc. Too many things to list... Open your bin/ISO/img file with your hex editor and search for the only occurrence of: 660000C0E300. Change the 6600 to 6000. ============================================================================= -RDF: Global Conflict (U) Infinite 1.20 ammo... With your hex editor, search for 8E4E4504790001. Change the last 01 to 00. Infinite 7.62 ammo... With your hex editor, search for 003A04790001. Change the last 01 to 00. Infinite LSR ammo... With your hex editor, search for 002E04790001. Change the last 01 to 00. Infinite Smoke ammo... With your hex editor, search for 006004790001. Change the last 01 to 00. Take no damage... With your hex editor, search for 0084DF79. Change the DF79 to 6004. Start a new game with twice as much fuel. Note that picking up an extra fuel can will cause your fuel level to drop back down to the "normal" full level, so it's best not to pick up a fuel can until your fuel level gets below the half way mark... With your hex editor, search for 50B233FC2700. Change the 2700 to 4E00. Fuel can pick-ups give you twice as much fuel... With your hex editor, search for 4E7533FC2700. Change the 2700 to 4E00. Infinite fuel... With your hex editor, search for 4100029041. Change the 9041 to 4E71. Raw code = 01E700?9041:4E71 1 hit kills enemies... With your hex editor, search for 6A00326700. Change the 6700 to 6000. Raw code = 01EF62?6700:6000 ========================================================================== -Road Rash (U) NOTE: I found that the only way Road Rash will work is if you have "Perfect sync" enabled (Fusion, Gens, etc). Start a new game with Wild Thing 2000 (the secret bike). It is the fastest bike in the game (200 MPH + Nitro), and it will never slide out. Just select "Big Game Mode" and pick any character... With your hex editor, search for 10B433F00002. Change the F00002 to FC000F. Raw codes = 017E8A?33F0:33FC and 017E8C?0002:000F Start on any level in "Big Game Mode"... With your hex editor, search for the 1st occurrence of B633FC0001. Change the 01 at the end to what ever level you want to start on (up to level 5). Raw code = 015E78?0001:000x (x = 2-5) Can buy any bike, even if you don't have enough money... With your hex editor, search for 10A26E00. Change the 6E00 to 6002. Raw code = 015F5A?6E00:6002 No traffic... With your hex editor, search for 2080002540. Change the 2540 to 6006. Raw code = 03191A?2540:6006 Make the 125 Perro Pico bike accelerate much faster. You can buy the Perro Pico bike in the shop, or pick Pearl or Slim as your character... With your hex editor, search for 0022001C00150012000F000C. These are the values used to determine the acceleration in each of the 6 gears. Change them to this to accelerate much faster: 003E 0038 0033 002E 0028 0023. Don't include the spaces. You can use higher numbers if you want. Keep in mind that your top speed will still be 113 MPH unless you use the hack below. Make the 125 Perro Pico bike have a much higher top speed... With your hex editor, search for 26D02C24. Change the 2C24 to 38A4 for a top speed of 145 MPH. Change the 2C24 to 4650 for a top speed of 180 MPH. Normal top speed is 113 MPH. If you are going to use a very high top speed, it's highly recommended that you use the acceleration hack too, or else the bike will take a looong time to accelerate to top speed. Here's the formula to figure out your own top speed. Take the top speed you want and add two zeros to it, then convert to hex. Example: for a top speed of 215 MPH, 21500 converted to hex = 53FC. All the tracks are straight. Very useful when using the high top speed hack. It's a lot of fun flying off jumps at 230+ MPH... With your hex editor, search for 1A4E756100. Change the 6100 to 6700. Raw code = 022B1A?6100:6700 ================================================================= -Samurai Shodown How to make it so that Amakusa is selectable... With a hex editor, search for the only occurrence of 342D80E4. Should only be one match. With your hex editor, change the 342D80E4 to 740C4E71 342D80E4 Before 740C4E71 After Amakusa should now be selectable when starting a new game. Works in 1P and 2P modes. You can find more detailed info about this hack here: https://www.sega-16.com/forum/showthread.php?35245-Need-input-on-a-Sega-CD-Editor&p=883116&viewfull=1#post883116 ================================================================= -Supreme Warrior (Sega CD 32x) Infinite health hack/patch... Do this change for both disc 1 and disc 2 iso/bin files using a hex editor. Note that if this hack doesn't work on a save state, you can either start a new game, or you can do the same search/hack below in the save state as well. Search for 33C100012804. There will only be one match on each disc. Change the 33C1 at the beginning to 6004. 33C100012804 Before 600400012804 After ================================================================== -Tomcat Alley Aim Assist (always hit enemies, no matter where you shoot). With your hex editor, search for 0023673C. You should only find 1 occurrence. Change the 673C to 603C. Works best if you start a new game (patch doesn't always work with a save state).